WP SoundSystem is a complete solution to manage music in WordPress.
Import, create and manage tracklists, play tracks, connect to popular music services, and more !
Unlike most plugins, WP SoundSystem is not embedding third-party widgets in WordPress.
It goes further by using its own customizable player : no brands, no logos, but your own data & design !
Playing tracks does not rely on a single service, since multiple links can be associated to a track (Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, audio files, anything!).
We have two types of tracklists : Playlists, and Radios.
But what the hell are Radios ?
Unlike Playlists, you cannot add, remove or reorder the tracks of a Radio : it is synced with an external URL, and updates seamlessly after a user-defined delay. This is something very specific to this plugin.
Check some Radios on Spiff Radio
For example, a Radio might be
- Synced to a station website “now playing” page, cached for only 15 minutes since it is updated constantly on the remote side.
- Synced to a Spotify playlist, cached for 1 day (or more) since there is only a few chances that its author might have updated it.
A Radio synced with a Spotify playlist of yours would bring an always up-to-date playlist to your visitors, without having to update your website.
You can also create a Radio to fetch a tracklist you like, then convert it to a (static) Playlist so you have a backup of it.
Any tracklists can be exported to the standard XSPF file format.
Tracks can be favorited and shared by your users frontend, or added to a new playlist on-the-fly.
Backend, you can query details from music services like MusicBrainz (The Open Music Encyclopedia) or Spotify.
Tracks Links
You can attach a bunch of links to any track; including links that can stream audio (Youtube, Soundcloud, audio files…) directly to our player!
Autolink (requires an API key)
If you don’t attach links to your track manually, you can enable our autolink module.
It will search for remote links and attach them to your tracks automatically.
Tracklist Importer
Import XSPF playlists using the Tracklist Importer.
If you have an API key, you could also import playlists from various services: Last.fm, Spotify, SoundCloud, Deezer, Musicbrainz, Radionomy, Hypem, 8tracks, BBC, indieshuffle, Online Radio Box, radio.fr, RadioKing, Reddit, SomaFM, Soundsgood,…
Custom setups are also available, if you are somewhat familiar with CSS selectors.
Frontend Importer on Spiff Radio
Our player uses of the MediaElement.js library, which is native in WordPress. It supports audio (& video) files, but also links from various services like Youtube or Soundcloud.
It has been extended with various features built on top of it, like a tracks queue or a Last.fm scrobbler.
You can customize the design of this player the way you like, and extend its functions.
In addition of being able to scrobble on Last.fm, every track favorited by a user connected to his account will also be loved on that service.
Users profiles will get a new music section that lists the user favorite tracks, tracklists, and the ones he created.
It will also fire new BuddyPress activity items.
WP SoundSystem is dev friendly, and has been designed to be extendable.
Wanna give a hand as developer ? Check the Github repo.
SoundSystem API
The SoundSystem API has been developed in Ruby in parallel of this plugin.
Get extra features by registering an API key !
Some of its feature are:
- Playlist import from a lot of music services
- the Autolink module, which will get audio sources for your tracks automatically.
Those are optionals, but are nice features to a solid plugin.
Consider getting one as a nice way to support the work done –hundred of hours– , and to ensure its durability.
Since the API is independent of the plugin, it might also be used by other developers.
More informations here.
Whatever, if you like this plugin, please also consider making a donation.
This would be very appreciated — Thanks !
- PHP Last.fm API – Last.fm scrobbling
- jQuery json-viewer – jQuery plugin for displaying JSON data
Contributors are listed here
For feature request and bug reports, please use the Github Issues Tracker.
If you are a plugin developer, we would like to hear from you. Any contribution would be very welcome.
عکسهای صفحه
This plugin requires PHP Version 5.4 or later.
- Upload the plugin to your blog and Activate it.
- Go to the settings page and setup the plugin.
سوالات متداول
See the Frequently Asked Questions of the Github wiki.
نقد و بررسیها
توسعه دهندگان و همکاران
“WP SoundSystem” نرم افزار متن باز است. افراد زیر در این افزونه مشارکت کردهاند.
مشارکت کنندگانترجمه “WP SoundSystem” به زبان شما.
علاقه مند به توسعه هستید؟
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
گزارش تغییرات
- WPSSTM_Post_Tracklist: to_jspf() – new method
- XSPF file import bugfix
- API update
- match updated API
- tracklists : fixed sort by tracks count / sort by favorited count
- removed Compass dependencies
- some parts of the code cleaned (queuing/dequeuing tracks, track template)
- hook ‘wpsstm_love_track’ splitted into ‘wpsstm_love_track’ & ‘wpsstm_unlove_track’
- switch to the SoundSystem API
- new Importer wizard
- new view for playlists : ‘Favorite Tracks’
- sort radios by Importer name
- autolink: limit autolinks to X links –> limit autolinks to X links per host * batch delete autolink timelocks metas
- database upgrade: v217
- bugfix subtracks table was not created at installation (#153)
- bugfix playlist manager was broken (#152)
- bugfix add new row to empty tracklist (#148)
- bugfix rewrite rules
- improved plugin settings : maintenance
- track links :improved excluded hosts queries
- do not delete links alongside with tracks, just remove the post_parent value (faster)
- better way to add tracks to a Playlist
- added ‘wpsstm_populated_tracklist’ action hook
- improved ‘Now Playing’ and ‘Sitewide favorites’
- better code for tracklist options / time stuff
- database upgrade: v214
- fix click on player’s track position
- fix styles on track displayed in data engines metaboxes
- fix get_tracklist_html (cache) when displaying several playlists
- fix standalone track shortcode
- removed hooks ‘wpsstm_init’, ‘wpsstm_init_post_types’, ‘wpsstm_init_rewrite’
- WPSSTM_Post_Tracklist : new $id property (unique_id)
- get_static_subtracks() about 4 times faster !
- audio player is now a a child node of its tracklist (better for customisation)
- JS: a lot of improvements !
- new ‘tracklist’ view in the tracks backend
- DO NOT queue a track if it is already part of the tracklist
- Radios: better JSON feedback
- tracklist/track/links actions for unlogged users : use wp_login_url()
- new fn batch_delete_duplicate_subtracks()
- new fn batch_reindex_subtracks_by()
- fixed fn reset_subtrack_order()
- use WP_Object_Cache for get_tracklist_html()
- new class Wpsstm_Subtrack_List_Table [WIP]
- database upgrade: v213
- removed ‘delete_duplicate_links’ setting
- SQL queries improvements
- subtracks : save subtrack author (pinner) in database – will be bot if tracklist is imported
- creates a’sitewide favorites’ tracklist post
- creates a ‘now playing’ tracklist post with the last tracks played on the website
- BP profile metas : now playing + last favorite
- Improved importers code
- New filter ‘wpsstm_get_subtracks’
- database upgrade: v212
- faster REST import
- Migrated BANGS stuff to wpsstmapi
- Improved importer GUI
- Improved music datas engines
- playlist settings metabox : add ‘filter tracks’ button
- musicbrainz/spotify : new ‘Post fill’ metabox (only for tracks)
- playlists : share track link (autoplay)
- enable .xspf file upload in the media library
- allow 0-minutes cache for radios
- improved rest & import
- new fn import_xspf() – extracted out of sync_radio()
- fix links imported not properly created
- JS: do not autolink a track that has playable links
- REST route ‘import/?input=…’ now returns an import ID, that we then use to get the cached XSPF file API side.
- Tracklist importer : new ‘Debug log’ tab
- fix warning notices with PHP 7.3 (#126)
- renamed API route : /’import/url/?url=…’ -> import/?input=…
- fix unable to add new tracklist tracks on post-new.php
- Soundcloud : fix settings not saving
- Autolink : better GUI
- cache (transient) for excluded track links
- Removed setting ‘Trash excluded hosts links’ + new ‘Excluded hosts’ track links view
- Removed setting ‘Trash orphan links’ + new’Orphan’ track links view
- Removed setting ‘Trash orphan tracks’ + new’Orphan’ tracks view
- Removed setting ‘Trash temporary tracklists’
- Programmatically create bot user at installation + migrate old setting
- Programmatically create import page at installation + migrate old setting
- When updating track artist/album/title, remove old music term if unique
- When deleting a post, remove the music terms attached to it if unique
- GUI: jsons now displayed using jQuery json-viewer
- Removed registration call to action (should be handled by a theme, not by this plugin)
- JS: Abord tracklist reload when pressing ESC
- JS: Ability to add more than one track at once when editing a tracklist
- Queue subtracks bug fix
- Improve bot user code
- WPSSTM_Spotify_Endpoints & WPSSTM_Musicbrainz_Endpoints moved from API so we don’t need two requests
- new metabox ‘Tracklist options’
- ignore bot tracklists unless author is set in query
- JS bugfixes
- better player JS
- allow XSPF tracklist import without the need of an API key
- fixed tracklist share
- better tracklist header
- improve lightbox
- remove settings ‘importer_enabled’ & ‘radios_enabled’
- fixes regex not passing to API
- Moved all the import stuff to the API. Now uses rest route ‘wp-json/wpsstmapi/v1/import/?input=…’ (on the API)
- store artist,track & album metas as taxonomies instead of post metas; for performance issues (see https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/276315/70449 and https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/159012/70449)
- trash orphan links option
- trash duplicate links option
- improved JS
- fix Last.fm scrobbler not working except for first track
- radios : improved how they are updated
- improved REDDIT service
- Improved settings page
- Improved WPSSTM_Core_User logic
- Register Radios post type even if no API key set; but filter post content to display a notice (avoids a 404 error)
- Create user favorite tracks playlist only when he tries to favorite a track for the first time
- Do not store track data within the subtracks table, always create a track post (fixes issues #88)
- Various improvements & bugfixes
- New track links setting ‘Exclude hosts’
- JS link/track/tracklist reclick fix
- Tracklist template : featured image
- “Sources” renamed to “Track Links” (post type, some metas, some filters renamed)
- Fixed toggle playable track link
- Fixed sort track links
- fixed OnlineRadioBox service
- fixed bugfix XSPF export
- track links JS/CSS improvements
- BuddyPress – improved queue track/ love tracklist activities
- Radio.fr – new service
- Spotify: improved playlists regex
- new image assets
- new ‘pre_get_tracklist_by_pulse’ function hooked on ‘pre_get_posts’
- migrate ‘remote_delay_min’ option from ‘scraper option’ post meta -> ‘wpsstm_cache_min’ post meta
- database –> 202
- tracklist expiration bugfix
- improved importer and its settings
- improved shortcodes
- importer debug GUI
- bugfix populate links/autolinks
- fix files dependencies when no API key
- Last.fm : fix url encoding / fix regexes / fix importer / scrobbler disabled by default
- abord autolink if ‘wpsstm_autolink_input’ returns an error
- various bug fixes
- new class WPSSTM_Data_Engine
- So much improvements that they cannot even be listed ! More than one year of developpement and 754 commits !
- now compatible with the Autoplay Policy Change from Chrome
- Code entirely rewritten
- HTML : uses HTML5 custom elements
- …