برچسب افزونه: code
WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager
(1,510 مجموع امتیازها)Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert header & footer scripts, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel code, and more.
Code Snippets
(460 مجموع امتیازها)An easy, clean and simple way to enhance your site with code snippets.
Head & Footer Code
(48 مجموع امتیازها)Easy add site-wide, category and article specific custom code before the closing </head> and </body>, or after opening <body> tag.
Simple Custom CSS Plugin
(156 مجموع امتیازها)Add Custom CSS to your WordPress site without any hassles.
Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything
(220 مجموع امتیازها)Create custom "Shortcodes" easily for HTML, JavaScript, CSS code snippets and use the shortcodes within posts, pages & widgets
Scripts n Styles
(28 مجموع امتیازها)This plugin allows Admin users to individually add HTML, custom CSS, Classes and JavaScript directly to Post, Pages or any other custom post types.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
(87 مجموع امتیازها)Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. As seen on WordPress.com.
Code Embed
(45 مجموع امتیازها)Code Embed provides a very easy and efficient way to embed code (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) in your posts and pages.
Highlighting Code Block
(21 مجموع امتیازها)Add code block with syntax highlighting using prism.js. (Available for Gutenberg and Classic Editor)
CSS & JavaScript Toolbox
(85 مجموع امتیازها)Add code snippets (CSS, JavaScript, HTML, PHP) to your site and choose where it goes. Feel confident with 10 years of security & reliability.
Code Block Pro – Beautiful Syntax Highlighting
(41 مجموع امتیازها)Code highlighting powered by the VS Code engine. Performance focused. No bloat.
Advance Custom HTML
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Easily display, style, and preview code in WordPress with a versatile editor plugin. Enhance content with interactive, customizable features.
Code Syntax Block
(48 مجموع امتیازها)Code Syntax Block plugin extends the block editor by adding syntax highlighting to the core code block.
Advanced CSS Editor
(6 مجموع امتیازها)Advanced CSS Editor is a lightweight plugin that lets you write different CSS code for each device (desktop, tablets, and mobile phones) right from th …
Foxtool All-in-One: Contact chat button, Custom login, Media optimize images
(19 مجموع امتیازها)Summarize the essential functions for managing a WordPress website
Code Widget
(35 مجموع امتیازها)Code widget help to add Short Code, PHP Code, HTML, and Simple Text in widget.
Add Code To Head
(2 مجموع امتیازها)(Formerly Add Text to Head) Add custom Javascript/HTML/CSS codes to the page head without editing the template.
(15 مجموع امتیازها)WP-Syntax provides clean syntax highlighting for embedding source code within pages or posts.
WebberZone Snippetz – Header, Body and Footer manager
(10 مجموع امتیازها)The ultimate snippet manager for WordPress that allows you to create and manage custom HTML, CSS, or JS code snippets and insert them in your site …
(45 مجموع امتیازها)Display beautiful syntax-highlighted code snippets with Prism.js or Highlight.js