برچسب افزونه: options
WP API Options
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Extends WordPress WP REST API with new routes pointing to WordPress options.
Override Comment Options
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Enables per-post override of "Automatically close comments on posts older than" option in the WP Discussion Settings.
Easy WP Admin Customizer
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Faster and simple way to clean and customize your admin dashboard!
Print Posts
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Adds a shortcode that displays posts based on what you add in for values.
Settings API
(4 مجموع امتیازها)A PHP class wrapper for handling WordPress settings API. Gives a very handy way to build theme or plugins option panel.
All Settings
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Simple plugin that adds an All Settings submenu to the Settings menu for Administrators and above, enabling one-click access to the options.php file.
WP247 Get Option Shortcode
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Include WordPress options anywhere shortcodes are accepted.
OptionTree Extension: Gravity Forms
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Adds Option Tree fields for linking Gravity Forms to Option Tree, allowing you to select a specific form for an option.
YM Fast Options
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Create custom options, settings, global data fields, and more for your WordPress site with just a few lines of code.
General Options
(1 مجموع امتیازها)This plugin allows the end user to upload a Header logo , Footer logo, Social media (facebook, twitter, skype, google+,instagram), Footer Content, Con …
Style My Tweets
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Easily style the Twitter widget that comes with Jetpack by WordPress.com. This plugin requires the ThemeKit plugin.
Readministrator (Read Only Administrator)
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Allowing users to see the admin settings page. Just Seeing, No edit allowed 🙂 These users will have all the privilege of editors along with that they …
Customizer Options Tree
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Customizer Options Tree is a plugin to provide you easy UI to add options in customizer.
Backend Startpage Customizer
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Redirect the user after login to a predetermined site in the backend.
Simplificar menú de administración
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Oculta los elementos del menú que no desees que los usuarios de tu WordPress puedan ver (editor de páginas, entradas, formularios de contacto, etc.)
Limit Blogs Per User
(0 مجموع امتیازها)This plugin is for WordPress Multisite and/or WordPress Multisite+buddypress based social network.It limits the number of blogs a user can create.
(0 مجموع امتیازها)A simplified theme options where you can save styles, scripts and other codes to the database without having to edit any files on your theme.